Project Description

Whitening or Bleaching is one of the most requested dental treatments. When it comes to improving the smile, the first thing that is sought is that the teeth have a natural color, without marks or stains. Tooth whitening is responsible for removing the stains that darken the teeth and giving them a white and uniform color. It is a relatively inexpensive treatment that offers very good results.
The dentist can reach a diagnosis after your general consultation and indicate the best treatment. Depending on your condition, you may require care in a specialty such as:
Your teeth will look white and shiny
You will have a more aesthetic and healthy smile
- It will remove or reduce stains or yellowness on the teeth
- It will make you look younger
- You will have more confidence when speaking or smiling
There are various forms of whitening, but the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry only recommends a technique supervised by a specialist. So come to Smile Designers, we have endorsed techniques of Aesthetic Dentistry and are carried out by specialized professionals with great experience.
Schedule your appointment at Smile Designers to get quality care with professional specialists and state-of-the-art equipment.